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An informative and beautiful guide to satellites for children Look up into a clear night sky and soon enough, you’ll see a dot of light zip past. It’s not a shooting star, it’s a satellite. Every day, thousands of satellites orbit the Earth doing important jobs. Meet NOAA, Galileo, Aura, James Webb, and more, and find out about their special missions to connect, inform, and protect all of us on planet Earth. Satellites introduces children to smart satellite technology and the ways satellites monitor the planet’s health and help us take action. The book uniquely combines Earth science and the latest space tech, and is designed to fascinate and reassure. It includes a multitude of news-related themes- climate change, deforestation, wildlife tracking, storm/fire warnings, exploration, space junk, and more. There has never been a better time to learn about our ‘eyes in the sky.
ISBN: 9780241695807
Publication date: 17/03/2025
Price: $45.00
RRP: $45.00
Format: Hardback
Temporarily out of stock
Publishing status: Due March
Author: Hill, Jess
Imprint: D K Publishing