Madness Explained Psychosis and Human Nature


Madness Explained Psychosis and Human Nature

SKU: 9780141975382 Category:

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A revised edition of the groundbreaking classic on mental illness.

Is madness purely a medical condition that can be treated with drugs? Is there a clear dividing line between who is sane and who is insane? In his groundbreaking work, Madness Explained, leading clinical psychologist Richard Bentall shattered the modern myths that surround psychosis. For this revised edition, he adds new material drawing on the recent advances in molecular genetics, new studies of the role of environment in psychosis, and important discoveries on early symptoms preceding illness, among other important developments in our understanding.

ISBN: 9780141975382
Publication date: 29/01/2026
Price: $32.00
RRP: $32.00
Format: Paperback
Temporarily out of stock
Publishing status: Due April
Author: Bentall, Richard P
Imprint: Penguin Books