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It’s hard to be noticed when you’re the size of an apple seed! New Zealand’s 28 species of native bees are teeny-tiny and super speedy! Kiwi bees pollinate Aotearoa’s native plants and trees and – they truly are the bee’s knees!
Most people are not aware that New Zealand has native bees, but once you meet them, you’re sure to fall in love with them!
With 36 stunning photographic images, fun illustrations, diagrams and QR video clips of native bees zipping and zooming, Kiwi Bees Have Tiny Knees is an informative, interactive visual feast in a robust hardcover format.
Kiwi Bees Have Tiny Knees connects children to the world around them, where native bees, ngaro huruhuru, have had a long evolutionary history with New Zealand’s unique heritage – they are a taonga!
ISBN: 9780473713966
Publication date: 01/09/2024
Price: $29.99
RRP: $29.99
Format: Hardback
Temporarily out of stock
Publishing status: Due December
Author: Weston, Rachel
Imprint: Weston Books