Emotionally Intelligent Office


Emotionally Intelligent Office

1 in stock

SKU: 9780995753587 Category:

Stress and mental ill health currently costs the UK economy upwards of 30 billion a year. Modern businesses continue to place huge emphasis on technical training, yet a lot of what determines the success or failure of organisations has nothing to do with the sort of hard skills taught at business school; instead, it comes down to the degree of emotional intelligence circulating in the workplace.

This is a book that introduces us to twenty core emotional skills that can help businesses to flourish. They range from giving honest feedback, to accepting that it’s OK to fail, to addressing jealousies and insecurities within teams. We learn about how our childhoods continue to have an often unhelpful impact on how we deal with colleagues, and the best ways we might speak so that others will listen.

The book is informed by the practical work that the Learning and Development division of The School of Life carries out, endeavouring to change the culture within organisations around the world through teaching teams the art of emotional intelligence.

ISBN: 9780995753587
Publication date: 14/11/2018
Price: $29.99
RRP: $29.99
Format: Paperback
Available stock: 1
Publishing status: Active
Author: The School Of Life