Christmas Truce of World War I


Christmas Truce of World War I

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By the end of 1914, World War I raged along hundreds of miles of trenches in Europe. But on Christmas Eve, soldiers on both sides began laying down their arms. In the days that followed, most of the fighting stopped and bitter enemies treated each other as friends to mark the holiday. How did the fierce fighting on a bloody battlefield suddenly cease? And what was the enduring legacy of this short-lived peace?

Find out in an easy-to-read graphic novel that reveals why the Christmas truce of World War I is among the greatest moments in history.

ISBN: 9781669068938
Publication date: 01/08/2024
Price: $19.99
RRP: $19.99
Format: Paperback
Temporarily out of stock
Publishing status: Due February
Author: Yomtov, Nel
Illustrator: Orban, Janos
Series: Great Moments in History
Imprint: Capstone